Location3′s Top 10 Blogs of 2012
Our Digital Briefs blog got a workout in 2012. It seemed like every day we sat down to our desks there was a new Facebook update, Google Analytics release or big idea to share. We hope you’ve found...
View ArticleMobile Messaging Doesn’t Signal The End For Social Networks
This month, competition in the highly-coveted mobile messaging space became fierce. In response to the rising popularity of standalone messaging apps like WeChat, WhatsApp and LINE, Google launched...
View ArticleLocation3 Media Wins AMA Silver Peak Award
The Location3 team who showed up at last night’s Colorado Peak Awards wouldn’t claim to leap tall buildings in a single bound or bend steel with their bare hands, but that didn’t stop them from...
View Article#AboutTime: Facebook Joins The Hashtag Movement
Yesterday, Facebook (finally) introduced clickable hashtags, after months of industry speculation. We’ll now be able to search for, and contribute to, topic and event feeds directly from our profiles....
View ArticleMonthly Industry Roundup: June 2013
LOCATION3 MEDIA NEWS: Location3 Media team members recently attended and exhibited at the Franchise Consumer Marketing Conference in Atlanta, GA. This event expanded our focus on franchise brands...
View ArticleMonthly Industry Roundup: August 2013
LOCATION3 MEDIA NEWS: Continuing its impressive trend of steady company growth, Denver-based digital marketing agency Location3 Media has landed on the Inc. 5000 List of fastest-growing private...
View ArticleEmployee Klout Score Competition Heats Up
The Social Media Team at Location3 has been in a heated competition since the launch of our Klout Contest in July. Klout scores measure the amount of influence an individual has based on the whole wide...
View ArticleFive Key Themes from SMX Social Media 2013 #SMX
I attended my first SMX Social Media Marketing conference last week, and was quite impressed with the sessions and overall production of the event (although I wasn’t surprised, SMX always does a...
View ArticleLeveraging Social Media in 2014 – Twitter Edition
Of all the resolutions you make this year, why not borrow a page from Eleanor Roosevelt’s playbook and “Do one thing every day that scares you.” If brand building on social media (either personally or...
View ArticleAn Open Letter to The International Olympics Committee
Dear International Olympics Committee, Though I was unable to attend the Olympics this year, I can say that I have been watching as many hours as humanly possible, and I have to say kudos on the...
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